About Us
Here at Tenacitymodels we specialize in providing a safe haven with young ladies while perfecting their craftsmanship of life skills on and off the runway. Tenacitymodels represents a Tenacious Sorority. We are a traveling company…. Activities are geared to cultivate young women. This program was developed with the new millennials in mind. We mentor with "back to basics" concepts and instill "The Fundamentals of Femininity. A Set of attributes, behaviors, and traditional traits associated with girls and woman. It is our passionate mission to instill core values and morels ; creating the abilities for adaptive and positive behavior and self sub-staining traits that enables humans to deal effectively with the demands of challenges of life. We offer flexible schedules and make our services convenient to accommodate your needs. Training dates/locations may change. We avail our services to clients in various training venues based on convenience, availability, and location.
All talent must be patient, courteous, prepared to endure change.
Do you need assistance in professional modeling development?
Would you like the tools and techniques that you can Actually use to successfully execute photoshoots and runway shows with poise?
Are you ready to acquire life skills and become educated about the industry?
Fashion is a compensation of ideas and /or expressions in certain context of a lifestyle.

About The Founder Ciara "Cee" Ross
Etiquette & Model Coach
I'm Ciara "Cee" Ross
A Mentor, Youth Advocate & NYC Times Square Billboard fashion model. Celebrity correspondent; Media Host, Award show presenter. Press secretary for Global Mixed Gender Basketball (Worlds first professional co-ed basketball league). Former Ms. Congeniality NJ State Pageant. Ciara has graced numerous runway showcases & red carpets events as fashion Model and celebrity correspondent. Appearances which includes but not limited to "NBA All Star Weekend" Old Navy, Fashion on the Hudson, Today's Black Woman, Harlem Week, 107.5 WBLS Circle of Sisters showcase, Wedding expo, Newark International Film fest, Grammy's, BET Awards, The Doctor OZ show, Fashion commercial featured on Good Day America Jumbotron;
Lane Bryant "Plus is equal" campaign. Fancyelle International Hair commercial and more. Publications includes The Movement-magazine Remix & Vibe magazine. Voyage Dallas Inspirational stories Magazine. Nurzi Natural Beauty competition -Winner- "T-Mobile Brand Ambassador Ariana Grande "Thank you Next" tour.